Tweaking the Meanderings

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So tonight I'm tweaking the layout of my blog so I'll be reasonably short.

My first desire with my new blog was to do something a little more personal. I know that generally speaking people don't change away from the defaults. Of the people that DO change will usually not seek out something custom. So I'm hoping to stand out a little by installing a custom template.

Now I know I'm not a good example but I personally use a laptop with a 1440x900 wide screen resolution so I really want a wider layout. When I started looking it really annoyed me that everything I could find was either a three column layout or designed for 800x600. Too busy or too small.

Being the geek that I am I'm diving under the hood of the template I liked best and I'm expanding the parts and pieces to a more 1024x768 resolution.

For those wondering, I started with the Hobbit template from (Which to give credit where it's due is Creative Commons licensed from ArcSin ( and Beautiful Beta (